
Map of Venice Website

Learning ESRI's ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript with a colorful map of Venice.

Published: Sep 25 2023

  • UW-Mad Geog576
  • Web
  • ArcGIS-JS
A map of Venice, Italy with sestieri (neighborhoods) in different colors and points of interest labeled.

This project is for UW-Madison Geog 576 class in which we dive into ArcGIS javascript. This code depends on my student ESRI account key being active so it may not work in the future. Currently the site is live.

ESRI has a lot of functionality baked into the JavaScript API, it really is amazing how much interactivity you can get into a web map with the examples that ESRI provides.

The code is available on github, https://github.com/steslowj/geog576_lab2_venice-arcgis-js.

Skills: JavaScript coding, Visual Studio Code, ESRI ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript, front-end web design