
Madison Bike Repair Stations Web App

Learning back-end web development with Google Maps API.

Published: Dec 14 2023

  • UW-Mad Geog576
  • Web
  • Full-stack
  • Google-API
A web app that shows bicycle repair stations in Madison, Wisconsin on a Google Map with notes on interactions overlaid on the map.

This project is my final project for UW-Madison Geog 576 class, developed by me and a peer in the class, Lisa Siewart. It was made using Go for back-end server management within the Google Cloud Shell Terminal and was written for deployment using Google App Engine. I learned about data communication between API calls to an external site (in this case, data on bicycle repair stations hosted by the City of Madison) to a managed server to the front-end website application.

This site is not live, but the code is available on github, https://github.com/ecolville/madison-bikes.

Skills: Visual Studio Code, Go coding, Google App Engine, full-stack web design, UI/UX design, working in a team, front-end web design