
Air Quality Index Exploration Website

Learning JavaScript with the Leaflet JS library while exploring how air quality data changes over time.

Published: Jul 10 2023

  • UW-Mad Geog575
  • Web
  • Leaflet-JS
A website showing the United States with colored points over cities that represent air quality values.

This project is my Lab 1 for UW-Madison Geog 575 Interactive Cartography Class. I wanted to explore air quality data but wasn’t sure which time scale would be best to show in the visualization… so I chose to do all three! The total effect having three different visualizations stacked on top of each other feels like a story map, exploring how a change in one parameter affects the data.

The code is available on github, https://github.com/steslowj/geog575_air-quality-leaflet.

Skills: JavaScript coding, Visual Studio Code, Leaflet coding, reading scientific data, gathering scientific data, data presentation, visualization, color design, front-end web design