
Ghibli Inspired Mapbox Theme

A custom theme for Mapbox Studio inspired by the animated films of Studio Ghibli.

Published: Apr 10 2023

  • UW-Mad Geog572
  • Mapbox
  • Web
A map showing eastern Asia with bright blue hues for ocean and varied greens for different terrain and a storybook-like font for labels.

This project is my Lab 3 for UW-Madison Geog 572 Graphic Design in Cartography Class. Our assignment was to create a theme for MapBox to embody a movie genre and I tried to design based of the colorful movies from Studio Ghibli. The oceans are saturated teals, terrain is bright green to warm oranges, and the font is storybook-like. I also included some geo-points that connect real-world location that inspired different scenery/settings of Ghibli movies.

Skills: Mapbox code, web design, UI-design, fonts, colors, style