
Houseplants & Fertility Rate Infographic (Preview)

A graphical exploration of how related numbers of houseplants is to fertility rate in the USA.

Published: Mar 20 2023

  • Cartography
  • Infographic
  • UW-Mad Geog370
  • ArcGIS-Pro
  • Illustrator
A two-variable choropleth map of the United States with states colored by fertility rate and number of houseplants bought.

This project is my Lab 2 for UW-Madison Geog 572 Graphic Design in Cartography Class. The assignment was to greate an infographic with some spatial/map component. I’m proud of my illustrative work on this one, but I gave myself more work by including as much statistical information as I did. The choropleth map and bivariate analysis is where the bulk of the assignment was.

See the full size infographic here in a new page

Skills: ESRI ArcGIS Pro, Adobe Illustrator, cartographic design, gathering data, data presentation, infographic design