my resume

Here I have included a brief resume. See my page on LinkedIn for more information!


Jessica Steslow

Data-driven GIS developer and civil engineer, combining civil works experience with a love of spatial technology

  • Tuczon, AZ, USA

Professional Experience

GIS Developer

Jun 2024 - Aug 2024

Savanna Institute, remote, USA

  • Contracted work as a continuation of the capstone project of my MS degree
  • Coordination with Savanna Institute scientists to present a data-rich summary of the environmental benefits of agroforestry
  • Data manipulation to host soil, climate, and agroforestry data on ESRI ArcGIS Online
  • Explored multiple visualization techniques with ESRI ArcGIS Online web maps, applications, and StoryMaps

Water Resources Engineer

May 2019 - Oct 2023

WestLand Engineering & Environmental Services, Tucson, AZ, USA

  • Project Engineer on water-wastewater distribution, master planning, and hydraulic modeling projects
  • Performed engineering calculations for pipe flow, head losses, water demand, and cost estimates
  • Created professional engineering design plans and project reports
  • Used GIS for utility modeling, figure creation, data transfer, and spatial analysis

Civil Engineer

Aug 2016 - Apr 2019

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island, IL, USA

  • Project Engineer in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
  • Assisted in habitat restoration, civil construction, and flood control projects
  • Coordinated with engineers and scientists for cross disciplinary 404 and 408 permit reviews
  • Updated and maintained a GIS database for levees in the PL84-99 program for annual inspections


MS: Online GIS Development

June 2022 - May 2024GPA: 4.00

University of Wisconsin; Madison, WI, USA

I completed the UW-Mad online program "Geographic Information Systems & Cartography - Online GIS Development." This program has classes on cartography, coding, databases, web design, and custom GIS applications.

BS: Civil & Environmental Engineering

Aug 2013 - Dec 2015GPA: 3.56

University of Illinois; Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA

Classes included core civil engineering with a focus in environmental engineering: water resources, water and wastewater treatment, global resources economics, and life-cycle analysis. Completed with an AS from the College of DuPage, Illinois.

AS: General Engineering

Aug 2011 - Aug 2013GPA: 3.88

College of DuPage; Glen Ellyn, IL, USA

I started my college education focusing on general education with an AS. I also participated in the honors curriculum which focused on leadership and humanities classes.

Technical Skills

GIS Software

  • ESRI ArcGIS Pro, Online
  • ESRI ArcMap

Web-Based Mapping

  • ArcGIS Maps SDK for JS
  • Leaflet JS Library
  • D3 JS Library

Programming Languages

  • Python
  • ArcPy

Web Development

  • Bootstrap, W3-CSS
  • Astro
  • Google API, AWS

Hydraulic & Hydrologic Modeling

  • Innovyse Infowater
  • Innovyse Infosewer

Graphic Design

  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Figma