Environmental Data per County in Arizona, USA

Drinking water, waste & environmental hazards, and demographic data

Data Definitions

Arizona is a state in the southwestern United States, bordering Mexico.
Map showing AZ in relation to countries of North America.

Data presented was collected from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) in August 2023. See the different tabs for more details on sources of each parameter.

ADEQ displays this information on an interactive dashboard (though without a choropleth map!)

Drinking Water Contaminants

Per the EPA, water quality in public water systems are routinely measured. This parameter measures the number of contaminants exceeding the federal regulatory limit.

Provisionally Impared Water Bodies

Water matching the Clean Water Act 303(d) Impaired Waters List definition, where a water source is contaminated with an identified pollutant.

Active VRP Sites

These are sites in the Voluntary Remediation Program (VRP) of ADEQ. This program encourages property owners and other interested parties to invest resources in recovering contaminated sites quickly. In return, ADEQ forgoes enforcement at the site.

Hazardous Waste Large Quantity Generators

A generator is any person who produces a hazardous waste as listed or characterized in part 261 of title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). These are categorized by size: very small, small, and large quantity generators (LQG). LQG generate more than 1,000 kilograms per month or more of hazardous waste or more than one kilogram per month of acutely hazardous waste.

Hazardous Waste Remediation Sites

Hazardous waste is a special category or subset of regulated wastes that businesses generate. These are sites within the ADEQ Hazardous Waste Remediation program.

Leaking UST Sites

These are sites with a storage tank and pipework system that is at least 10% underground by volume - Underground Storage Tank (UST). USTs are federally regulated when they store petroleum or certain hazardous substances. Leaking USTs can pass the hazardous substances into soil or groundwater, contaminate drinking water sources, and create health and environmental risks.

Superfund Sites

Superfund refers to an EPA program to clean sites contaminated with hazardous waste, formally called the Comprehensive Environmental Response, A Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), established in 1980. Superfund Sites refer to the identifed sites within the Superfund program.

Average Household Income ($) &

Taken from 2022 county demographics data

% Registered as Republican,
% Registered as Democratic, &
% Registered as Independent

Taken from the 2023 January Party Registration county information